Stop searching,
manage Real Assets

The leading solution for data availability and quality in the real estate industry. AlphaPrompt generates data from documents, laying the foundation for successful digitalization and AI-based automation.

An excerpt from our partners and customers

Document Intelligence - data instead of documents

Lease documentation

AlphaPrompt identifies all lease agreements and accompanying documents in an unstructured document stack and assigns addenda, option drawings and other documents to the respective agreements. It then extracts all variables relevant to administration and transactions, including the change history.

Real estate proposal

AlphaPrompt reads real estate proposals of any type and language - whether individual properties or entire portfolios. Simply forward the proposal by e-mail and all the information for the prior knowledge check, as well as an exportable rent roll and much more, is available in seconds.

Energy performance certificates, invoices, ...

AlphaPrompt reads and structures data from a wide variety of document types. Energy certificates and invoices are already possible today. Other document types such as loan agreements, maintenance logs and contracts will follow shortly.

Knowledge management 2.0

Consult your own documents

AlphaPrompt answers questions based on your knowledge. It searches the data room, identifies relevant documents and provides comprehensible and transparent answers. No more time-consuming document searches.

Check documents automatically

AlphaPrompt checks documents for compliance with certain templates. For example: Do the clauses in all rental agreements meet your standards or are updates necessary? AlphaPrompt shows where there is a need for action.

Automated ticketing

AlphaPrompt checks tickets - whether internal or from tenants - for completeness and forwards them to the right person in charge. In doing so, it draws on your knowledge of past solutions and offers versatile support for the clerk by permanently optimizing the rules and regulations and automatically checking the tickets for complete information.

Easy integration into existing systems & processes

Manage via web application in AlphaPrompt

Questions to documents or extractions can be conveniently managed via the AlphaPrompt web application.

Sharepoint & internal knowledge sources

SharePoint can also be integrated in just a few steps and all documents can be made available for the survey.

Seamless integration into existing processes

Whether in or out, AlphaPrompt can be seamlessly connected to existing systems via a standard interface, even without an AlphaPrompt front end.

From the mail to the database

All documents received by e-mail, such as exposés and invoices, can be easily recognized and extracted.

Via interface into the ERP

For example, evaluate data from rental contracts with AlphaPrompt and automatically store the structured results in the ERP (e.g. iX-Haus) via an interface.

Connection to the DMS

High flexibility when it comes to integration. AlphaPrompt sees itself as a connector for systems such as document management systems (DMS) or transaction rooms.

Next Generation Business Intelligence

Are you ready to transform your real estate business with AlphaPrompt?